5 Ways to Help Your Parents at Home

Help Parents at home

Our parents sacrifice deeply for us throughout their lives, so offering them meaningful help and support in return is one of the most caring acts of gratitude we can show. 

Whether coping with aging, illness, or other life difficulties, many parents face challenges that we, as children, can help alleviate through compassionate care and assistance. This article suggests several ways to provide practical and emotional support for your parents. These are:

  • Proactively Do Chores and Housework
  • Provide a Compassionate Ear and Emotional Support
  • Assist with Essential Daily Tasks
  • Make Their Living Space Safer and More Accessible
  • Share Caregiving Responsibilities with Additional Support

Let’s explore these ways in more detail and see how you can make a difference in your parents’ lives.

Proactively Do Chores and Housework


One of the most straightforward yet helpful things you can do is take the initiative to complete household responsibilities without being asked. Do laundry, cook meals, walk pets, mow the lawn, or run errands routinely. Create a chore schedule to keep yourself organized and accountable. Rotate less desirable tasks to avoid resentment. Reward yourself for jobs well done to stay motivated.

Completing chores unprompted shows your parents you are responsible and invested in the family’s wellbeing. It frees up their time and energy to rest or focus on priorities. Discuss your parents’ preferences and follow guidelines to ensure chores are correctly done and meet their needs. Your help and consideration will be greatly appreciated.

Provide a Compassionate Ear and Emotional Support

Emotional Support

Offer your parents sincere emotional support. Listen without judgment when they share difficulties, stresses, or feelings. Make eye contact, nod to show you understand, and ask open-ended questions. Compliment them on their efforts and talents. Share happy memories you have together. Express affection through hugs, hand-holding, and saying, “I love you.”

Providing empathy and comfort helps relieve stress, boost confidence, and strengthen your connection. However, be careful not to pry or break confidences without permission. Respect their need for privacy regarding what they choose to disclose. Offer encouragement and help reframe challenges in a more positive light. Your emotional support can make a world of difference.

Assist with Essential Daily Tasks

Assisting with Daily Tasks

Helping your parents with regular activities supports their wellbeing and independence. Assist with personal care, finances, transportation, medication reminders, or pursuing hobbies/social interactions as needed while respecting their autonomy. Involve them in related decisions and protect their dignity. Follow all safety precautions carefully to avoid harm.

When helping with daily tasks, allow your parents to maintain as much control and independence as possible. Please pay close attention to their guidance on the best ways to assist them according to their comfort levels and privacy needs. Your patience, respect and willingness to help in this way provide security in knowing essential life needs are met.

Make Their Living Space Safer and More Accessible

Making Home Safer

Improve home safety and accessibility for your parents. Install grab bars, handrails, ramps, adequate lighting, non-slip rugs, or railings on stairs as needed. Secure loose carpeting, throw rugs, cords, and other tripping hazards. Ensure fire extinguishers are fully charged, and smoke/carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.

Home improvements that reduce hazards and accident risks give peace of mind. They allow your parents to continue living independently for as long as possible. Make modifications affordable by purchasing used or discounted supplies/equipment or utilizing available safety subsidies. Focus first on high-risk, high-traffic areas. Keep changes as simple yet effective as possible. Your time and effort in this way offer security that their living space is optimized for comfort and safety.

Share Caregiving Responsibilities with Additional Support


Caring for parents often requires teamwork from family and outside resources. Develop a plan for sustainably balancing caregiving duties with the help of others. Set clear expectations and boundaries to avoid becoming overwhelmed or resentful. 

Learn when and how to delegate responsibility or say no. Take regular respite breaks to maintain your health, relationships, and stamina. Consider adult day care, support groups, and in-home health services as options to lighten the load.

Effectively sharing caregiving responsibilities makes them feasible in the long run. Discuss openly with the family each person’s abilities and limits. Find compromises meeting everyone’s needs. Express appreciation for the help given and received. Ensure your parents’ preferences and best interests remain a top priority. Tap resources as required so that no person carries an unreasonable burden alone. Teamwork and additional support help avert caregiver burnout while providing the best care possible.

Actively Involved from a Distance

talking with parents over phone

If living far from your parents, remain closely involved in their lives through frequent phone calls, video chats, and in-person visits whenever possible. Establish a regular communication schedule, especially if health or safety issues are a concern. Have neighbors, friends, or relatives monitor them and report issues. Confirm emergency contacts are up to date and plans are in place in case of crisis.

While distance may limit hands-on help, consistent connection and oversight ensure your parents stay safe, secure, and cared for. Make the most of time together when visiting. Call to say you’re thinking of them and care. 

Explore options for remote support such as bill pay, transportation/yard work arrangements, or grocery delivery. Monitor health status and risks from wherever you are. Your emotional support and oversight from afar provide comfort that their needs are met even when you cannot be there physically.

With compassion, commitment, and resourcefulness, you can offer meaningful help to your parents through life’s challenges and changes. Simple acts of service and support go a long way toward promoting their comfort, dignity and independence for years to come. Focus on their physical, emotional, and safety needs by being fully present in their lives, providing caring assistance, and sharing responsibilities as a team. Your dedication in this way is one of the greatest gifts of gratitude and love you can give.

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