Throwing or attending a baby shower is such an exciting time, but it can also raise questions about proper etiquette. As the host, you want to create a celebration the parents-to-be will cherish. And as a guest, you want to know how to honor the family best. This guide covers essential baby shower invitation etiquette whether you’re planning or attending this sweet soiree.
What is Baby Shower Invitation Etiquette?
Baby shower invitation etiquette provides guidelines on appropriately inviting guests to the upcoming celebration. This includes details like:
- Who should receive invitations
- What information to include
- When to send the invites
- How to word the invite
The following etiquette allows the host to set guests’ expectations while exciting them about the event. And it enables invitees to RSVP and prepare for the special day efficiently.
What Should a Baby Shower Invite Say?
Baby shower invites should provide critical details at a glance. Be sure to include:
- Names of the guest(s) of honor: This might be the mom-to-be or both parents for a co-ed shower.
- Date, time, and address: This allows guests to calendar it. Provide parking or other essential venue info.
- Host contact details: Give an RSVP phone number and email.
- Registry details: Share links or locations for gifts if the parents created one.
- Requested attire or theme: Let guests know if you expect garden chic or require neon 80s garb.
- RSVP deadline: Give guests a date for when to respond.
- Any special instructions: Ask them to bring a book instead of a card.
If you’re planning your baby shower, you might want to learn who not to invite to your baby shower to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event.
What Do You Write on a Baby Shower Invitation?
Baby shower invitation wording should be clear and concise. Keep it short with critical details. Examples include:
- Please join us for a shower in honor of Jamie Smith and baby-to-be
- Celebrate baby Doe’s arrival on Saturday, May 6th at 2 pm
- It’s twins! Help us shower Sam and Alex with love for their two bundles of joy
Avoid cutesy poems or long verses—include the shower’s vital information.
Deciding what to write on a baby shower cake is also an important baby shower planning task. The cake message can reflect details about the upcoming new arrival.
What Name Goes on a Baby Shower Invitation?
Send the invites directly to the guest of honor if you’ll be hosting an intimate gathering of her very closest loved ones.
For more extensive showers, it’s customary to address invites to the attendees, with the honoree’s name featured prominently in the invitation wording.
If hosting a Jack and Jill or couples’ shower, include both parents’ names since you’re celebrating all.
How to Address Baby Shower Invitations?
When addressing baby shower envelopes, list invitees by name or household if your event will include whole families.
RSVPs are more manageable when you address invites to the exact guests or guests you hope will attend. Just be sure to run the final guest list by the parents-to-be, so all important loved ones are included.
How to Accept a Baby Shower Invitation?
Once your baby shower invite arrives, promptly call or email whoever is listed as the RSVP contact.
Tell them you are delighted to attend or send regrets if you cannot participate. Following up quickly allows the host to finalize headcounts for catering and activities.
Bringing a gift is customary. See if the parents have created a registry or opt for a popular baby item like diapers, blankets, or books if they have not.
Do Baby Shower Invitations Have Both Parents’ Names?
Traditionally, only the mother’s name was featured. But modern baby showers often celebrate both parents.
There is no wrong way, but consult the guest(s) of honor about how they wish to be honored on the invite. This gives you the green light to include the mother only, father only, or both parents.
What Is the Proper Way to Address Baby Shower Invitations?
When addressing baby shower invites, list the invitee’s full name or household on the outer envelope:
The Johnson Family
123 Main St
City, State 12345
Identify the guest(s) of honor within the invitation somewhere in the wording.
This might be the expectant mother, father, or both. Just keep verbiage about who you are celebrating concise yet obvious.
When Should You Invite Guests to a Baby Shower?
Send baby shower invitations 4-6 weeks before your planned event date. This gives guests time to arrange schedules and allows out-of-town loved ones to make travel plans.
Order invitations eight weeks beforehand so you have a 2-week buffer between when invites arrive and when you’ll need to get them in the mail.
How Many Guests Should Be Invited to a Baby Shower?
Aim to invite approximately 1-2 guests each year of the mom’s age. For a 25-year-old, that would be 25-50 attendees.
Also, consider venue size and budget. Backyards, restaurants, and larger homes allow you to accommodate more guests than a small city apartment might.
And feel free to invite only some people you know. Focus on close family and friends who will want to celebrate.
Baby Shower Invitation Etiquette for a Girl
If you know the baby’s gender, feel free to have fun with this on the invitation! For a girl, the wording might include:
- Sugar and spice and everything nice
- Pretty in pink
- Bows or bros? Come find out!
Let your creativity shine through while keeping things tasteful and inclusive. The guest of honor may prefer you skip gender stereotypes or wait until after the shower to announce, “It’s a girl!”
Baby Shower Invitation Etiquette for a Boy
Again, parental preferences rule. If they approve of a baby boy theme, cute sayings might be:
- Touchdowns or tutus? Join the huddle.
- Snips and snails and puppy dog tails
- Straight from the stork, it’s a boy!
Ensure the overall tone aligns with the parents’ vision for celebrating their baby boy.
Baby Shower Invitation Honoring the Mom or Baby?
You have two options for the star of your baby shower invitation wording:
- Honor the mother like “Join us in celebrating Beth’s new baby joy!”
- Emphasize the baby, like “Meet baby Smith coming May 2023!”
Discuss with the guest of honor to see if she prefers focusing on her or the upcoming bundle of joy.
What is Mother-In-Law Baby Shower Etiquette?
It’s lovely when a mother-in-law wishes to host a baby shower for her son’s growing family. To keep things comfortable:
- Invite close family and a few very intimate friends of the expectant mother. Keep the guest list small.
- Consult the mom on dates, themes, and details so she feels involved.
- Send invites from yourself and your child, not solely the mother-in-law, to avoid seeming overbearing.
- Offer to co-host with the mom’s sister or best friend so she has a familiar face present.
How to Include the Baby’s Name on a Shower Invitation?
Some parents may keep their little one’s name secret until birth. Others might love spotlighting the chosen name.
If the parents approve listing the baby’s first or full moniker on the invites, go for it! Guests will be even more excited meeting the baby they now know as Emma, Noah, etc. But always get approval first.
Following proper invitation etiquette sets your baby shower up for success. Address invites thoughtfully, include vital details, and consult the guests of honor. This ensures all will cherish your celebration.

I’m Mithun Debnath, a dedicated dad and the founder of Papa Parenting. I’m here to share my parenting journey, tips, and insights to make your life as a parent a little easier. Join me as we navigate the adventures of fatherhood together.